Accidents that involve a bicycle and a car (or other large vehicle) are scary and often life changing for the people involved, especially the cyclist. The moments directly after such an accident are crucial in assuring the recovery of the cyclist. We’ve assembled some key information below to assure you do the right things if you are ever in a bicycle vs. car situation.

- Get the police/emergency services to the scene of the accident – You or others may be injured, perhaps severely. If there are injuries call 9-1-1 immediately or have another party or witness make the call. If you escaped the accident relatively unscathed, still call the police and don’t leave the scene of the accident until they arrive. The police will assess the accident scene, make sure all involved parties exchange contact and insurance information, and file a report. These steps will be essential in determining the at-fault party.
- Make sure your version of the accident gets into the accident report – Unfortunately, sometimes a police officer at the scene of a bicycle vs larger vehicle accident will get a statement from the motorist, but fail to talk to the cyclist. Be sure to talk to the officer, report all your injuries, and get a clear explanation of your version of the accident on the report. If possible, take photos at the scene of the accident, being sure to document the damages to your bicycle.
- Obtain contact and insurance information from all the parties involved – Ideally, the police officer who arrives at the scene of the accident will make sure all parties get each other’s contact and insurance information, but make sure to get it regardless. In order to file any claims on the accident, you will need to have the insurance name and if possible the policy number of the other parties insurance.
- Treat and document your injuries – Seek medical attention for your injuries, even if you consider them to be minor. Seeking medical attention will create a significant proof that you were injured, and the medical records will show the extent of those injuries. If possible, take photos of any physical evidence of bruising, lacerations, or broken bones. For harder to see injuries like soft tissue damage or headaches be sure to write those symptoms down daily as you experience them.
- Seek advice from an experienced cycling accident attorney – Accidents between bikes and cars can be legally complex. Insurance companies are quick to blame cyclists, even when it was the other vehicles fault for all or most of the accident. An experienced cycling accident attorney from Craig Swapp & Associates will:
- Negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf
- Navigate the legal system in order to secure you a fair and complete settlement
- Take care of your case so that you can focus on getting better
The sooner you get an experienced cycling accident attorney involved the better. Call us today at 800-404-9000 or tell us more about your case by submitting the online form below.